Wednesday, April 22, 2009

You Can Assassinate Me Any Time

Who doesn't love assassins, they can sneak up behind you snap your neck then have a sandwich in the deli down the street. And we all know how the video game industry feels about them just look at Ubisoft's 2007 hit Assassin's Creed. So it was no surprise to me when I heard about Velvet Assassin, and I wasn't surprised about the main character being a woman. I mean come on it was only a matter of time. But I was surprised to see how they are treating the main character. For those of you who aren't in the 'know' Velvet Assassin is an upcoming World War 2 stealth-action game in which you play as Violette Summer, who is based on real life WWII secret agent Violette Szabo. Anyways the game takes place in a hospital, but really you will be playing through flashbacks of Violette's memories of being a secret agent. So now that we got people up to speed let's get back to why Violette's treatment pleasantly surprised me. I was shocked because she isn't wearing some tight skimpy outfit, she actually wears proper clothing and seems like a very strong character. Also her breast aren't huge melons. This gives me hope that there will be more strong realistic lead women characters in video games. If you need more proof check out this video: